There are two hot springs that are really close to Rexburg that I know about. One is Heise Hot Springs, which is the closest, and the other Green Canyon Hot Springs. To both places you can either get a day pass with multiple entry, or just a one time pass. I took my little baby girl and she loved it!
Heise is closer, but the only down side is that it smells really bad. I went there last year and once was enough for me. However, if you do want to go to Heise, there is a small hike
(Cress Creek) on the way there that takes 15 minutes to the top and is paved almost the entire way.
Also these are more expensive than Green Canyon. It's $9 for adults and $5 for children for one time entrance.
Here's their website where you can get directions and see what else they have to offer. I think they have golf and camping, but I have not done either of those there.
We went to Green Canyon Hot Springs yesterday and it is a lot better than heise. It's only $5.50 for adults and $2 for children under 2 which includes a swim diaper. If you bring your own swim diapers, then it's only $1. Also, if you have a starving student card, there is a buy one get one free admission.
Head on HWY 20 away from Idaho Falls
Take Exit 339 and turn right
Drive 16 miles and there is a sign that says "Green Canyon Hot Springs:
Go 4 miles and the hot springs are on the left.
Here's the website if you have more questions.
Here are some pictures of Green Canyon!
Historical info:

Inside there is a big place for parties or large gatherings. Or if you are a parent and don't want to get wet, you can sit here and watch your kids swim.

Here's the 96 Degree pool. There is also a 115 degree pool, but I didn't take a picture because when I had my camera, only one man was in there and I didn't want him thinking I was taking pictures of just him. Sorry to disappoint you.

I'll update this again if I see another!